It is clear that exactly in winter our body needs support. There is a large selection of food products that help us survive in the cold, strengthen the immune system and maintain a good mood. Below is the rating of healthy winter food products:
Leaf lettuce. It is rich in vitamins A and C, and, besides, contains calcium, which is very much needed to strengthen our bones, to maintain a balance of minerals, and to stimulate metabolism. Lettuce also contains beta-carotene, which helps to strengthen eyesight.
Beets. It is considered a dietary product, so do not be afraid to gain weight of it. It contains substances that help for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also believed that beet increases endurance of the body while training.
Cabbage. Various types of cabbage. Each variety possesses some or other healthy properties. The main advantage of cabbage is that it is credited with the ability to kill and block the development of cancer cells. It is also believed that cabbage can stimulate the work of liver, making it capable of destroying pesticides and carcinogens.
Cranberries. This is another winter visitor. It is good both in sugar and by itself. We can make wonderful fruit drinks and cakes with it. It contains many minerals, and beneficial for the body lutein.
Pumpkin. For a long time pumpkin has been known and famous for its healthy properties. This product is dietary enough, and can be used in a variety of dishes, beginning with salads and ending with desserts.
Mango. Mango is rich in iron, so it is good to use for people suffering from anemia, and for pregnant women. It is considered that eating it regularly we can help the body to suppress appearance and growth of cancer cells. Among the healthy features of mango there also are: improving digestion, low carbohydrate content, high content of vitamins A and E.
Carrot. It is necessary to eat raw carrots, seasoned with butter or sour cream, regularly, because the nutrients contained in it, have a positive effect on skin, hair, and nails, improves eyesight and digestion, reduce the level of cholesterol and blood sugar, and regulate blood pressure.
Citrus fruits. Lemons, tangerines, oranges, pomelo, and grapefruit are rich in vitamins, fiber, and flavonoids. They increase the body's resistance to colds, increase vitality, and help the prevention of cancer.
Kiwi. It has been proven long ago that this fruit contains several times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. It can be eaten as a separate dish and also added to salads.
Garlic and onion. This couple does not need to be introduced.
Pomegranate. One pomegranate contains approximately 40% of the daily norm of vitamin C. Vitamins A and E, folic acid and much fiber also can be found in it.
Note that all winter fruits are very bright. And it is not by accident, as in autumn and in winter there are so few colors around us, it gets dark early and it dawns late, from here the blues come. Surrounding yourself with colors, you increase your vitality.