Celery cleansing diet will help you to lose not only extra pounds, but also to cleanse your body of toxins. This diet is kept for seven days. On the eve of the first day you should eat only raw food products.
Day 1: During the day drink natural fruit juice, diluted with distilled water. Eat vegetable soup with celery; the soup should be composed of celery for 50%; add other vegetables to your taste. Cover three cups of diced vegetables with 2 liters of water and cook until the water is halved. On this day it is desirable to eat every 2 hours.
Day 2: Repeat the first day.
Day 3: Any fruit in any quantity, except bananas.
Day 4: Same as on the third day. Add some celery juice. It is recommended to drink after every meal.
Day 5: At breakfast eat fruit and yogurt. Lunch - salad with celery, carrots, raisins, watercress and prunes. Dinner – carrots and cabbage (steamed), and celery juice.
Day 6: Breakfast – oat porridge, fruits and bio yogurt. Lunch - salad, as on the 5th day; you can add 3 slices of toasted bread with vegetable oil. Dinner - steamed cabbage, boiled potatoes, and baked apples.
Day 7: Any menu that includes cereals, bread, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. Throughout the day, drink celery juice.