There is a proverb "eat more celery then run more cheerfully". And it is right! Celery is the inexhaustible source of good spirit and health all the year round.
This plant is rich in vitamin PP, K, C, groups B and E. Also there are salts of potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, zinc and manganese. There are many essential oils in celery.
Celery should be thankful to combination of sedanic acid for its bright taste and smell.
Celery is a low-calorie plant, so it is the great dietary product ideal for people who want to lose weight but not to limit the food. It is very important that celery has selenium, which is needed for synthesis of thyroid gland’s hormones, containing iodine.
When you buy celery, choose middle thick roots. Too big ones are often too fibrous and tough.
Prepare various soups, salads and garnish from celery.
Here you can find great recipes of tasty dishes from celery. They are a salad, a soup and a garnish. If you want to keep the healthy lifestyle or to lose weight, you are welcome to use these recipes.