Cleansing a body or individual organs of toxins is becoming a good habit for many connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. According to them, the simple and very affordable prescription suggested to everyone will help cleanse the body almost at a cellular level.
We need to take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 1 tablespoon of rose hips, and 1 tablespoon of onion peels. Pour 1 liter of water into the mixture, and boil for 5 minutes. Then wrap the broth into something warm and leave overnight. In the morning strain the mixture out and add some water to eventually get 1 liter of a drink. Drink a glass of it 3 times a day, slowly, by small sips.
The second way to cleanse the body of toxins is to use the so-called herbal tea diet. If you feel that you have developed more tired and lost the ability to relax, try to take such a diet for at least a few days. It will also be good for those who want to lose weight.
Morning tea: in 10g of sage, calendula, lavender, horsetail, blackberry and St. John's wort, in 25g of yarrow and thyme.
Afternoon tea: 10g of calendula, in 15g of horsetail, yarrow, and St. John's wort, 25g of thyme, 45g of linden blossom.
To brew the tea put in a cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture and press for 10 minutes. Drink per a cup with no sugar. Besides the fact that such extracts wash away toxins very well, the morning tea is an excellent toner, and the evening tea, on the contrary, promotes relaxation and recreation.
If you feel that it would not hurt to clean the vessels, you need to prepare the infusion of 2 tablespoons of minced valerian root, 1 cup of fennel seeds, and 2 cups of natural honey. To do this, place the mixture in a two-liter flask, pour boiling water to the neck, and infuse it for 24 hours. Take per 1 tablespoon of the infusion 30 minutes before a meal 3 times a day.
To clean your joints and spine of salts, ordinary bay leaves will be helpful. Water 5g of bay leaves with 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, and then push in a thermos for 3-4 hours. After that, filter the liquid, and drink in small sips within 12 hours. The infusion should be taken for 3 days in a row. A week later, you can repeat the detox. During these days it is recommended to stick to a vegetarian diet. In the first year this course is to be taken once a quarter, and thereafter once a year.
Tea + minimum of food = full nutrition even under extreme loads. This is possible through a unique combination of a large number of proteins, vitamins and minerals in tea. A cup of green tea contains 0 calories, but even in case of a forced long-term (up to 5-8 days) tea diet the feeling of hunger does not appear, working capacity remains normal, and weight loss slows down.
Speaking of a tea diet, for prevention of any disease doctors recommend fasting "tea days" (1-2 times a month). During 24 hours it is necessary to drink a cup of warm loosely green tea (nice and white teas and oolong) without anything every 3-4 hours. In such 'tea fasting days' it is recommended to move more (in order to sweat), but do not overwork. Toxins get out greatly!