Weight Loss

Fasting Days for Your Health

Fasting days is a kind of detox diet. Some people, who get used to it, can’t imagine themselves without weekly fasting days. You can’t imagine it. You think you’ll starve in some hours you spend without food. Cool it, the…

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Detox Diet Tips

Detox is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Detox is also used as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence. It usually includes different methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health….

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Lemon Detox Tips

Lemon gives us a lot of energy, gets toxins out of system, stimulates burning of fats, and significantly improves complexion of the face. This citrus is a real well of vitamins and other useful substances. The first stage of lemon…

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Tea Cleansing Diet Options

Cleansing a body or individual organs of toxins is becoming a good habit for many connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. According to them, the simple and very affordable prescription suggested to everyone will help cleanse the body almost at a…

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